
Friday, July 31, 2009

What should I do with this?

So I've been working on this for sometime now and am finally at a stand still. I just don't know what I want to do with this cute little embroidery. Actually its not so little about 12-14" Wide x 10-12"high.
I'd Love some ideas, and I think I will put the embroidery pattern up as a freebie if anyone is interested.
If you want me to put up this and other free patterns, just leave me a comment!

Any ideas would be most appreciated and if I get an idea from you guys that I like I'll make up a tutorial too. Sorry I haven't got an iron here, I'm very embaressed about the state of this...

Hugs P

Hi Ladies, Due to poular demand I have put the pattern up here. Please keep commenting, I love to hear suggestions for future projects. Go to the main page for more project ideas!

Hugs Paula x

Thursday, July 30, 2009

My Mushrooms, embroidered christmas Decorations

After posting the link for the little mushroom house pin cushion / decorations I thought I should show you my effort. Isn't it cute! and So much fun to make!
I made this one in my hospital bed between physio and all the other that you endure in hospital and it only took me 1 day, so really easy too!

I must admit, Mum did do the machine stitching for me. I have brought up most of my stitching equipment, but I think the nurses would be a bit miffed if I brought in my trusty Janome. :)
Ooh I wanted to mention too , the hexagon I showed you the other day, and again above, was actually designed by Gail Pan, who is amazingly talented! Check out her blog for some free patterns, just beautiful. She's offering a free BOM. Don't miss out it's stunning!
I just checked Gails Blog to get the link for you and I see that she is releasing a book! I'm very excited, I have been a fan of her work for quite sometime, Check out the cover here!

I also forgot to tell you that I gave my sister my credit card yesterday and asked her to go and buy me a decent camera, I'm sick of the quality of photography I've been subjecting you to. This is what she came back with! As you can see from the above photos, I've been having fun playing, but I really should get the manual out and read it. hehe.
I've been going on about being in hospital, so I thought I'd better show you why. This is a picture of my brace that is on my leg. It is worth $26,000 AUD would you believe! It is to support my knee while it heals. You can find the full store here. It will be left on for at least 6 wekks and as long as our prayers work and I don't get an infection will be on for up to 3 months. The surgeon says I will probably never work again, but hopefully my knee will be more stable. All I want is for it to be strong enough for me to be able to take my kids to the beach next summer. Thats my goal! Anyway, this has got to be my longest post ever, but I wanted to show you a picture of my DH and my baby boy, this is one of the first pics I took with my new camera.
Anyway it is getting late, so I best turn off the light before the nurses start giving me funny looks. :) The other night when I was still stitching together my hexagon at midnight I was getting some very interesting looks from the night staff, wondering what on earth I was doing. hehe

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hexagon Embroidery

I have had a little bit of stitching time today between Physio and other things (I made it up and down the two steps in Physio 3 times! Only a few more times and I might be able to go home!).
Anyway, it gave me the chance to start and actually finish a hexagon, it is part of a quilt that my embroidery group is putting together to raise money for cancer research.

Fiona from Peaceful Threads put together the pattern and supplys for us, and we just had to stitch up our hexagons. I hope you like it. I think it came out great, especially for my first hexagon.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Mushroom Magic

Hello I'm finally back in my Town, not home yet, but I was flown back from Sydney last week and am now at least able to have visits from my baby's. The hospital I'm in, is only minutes from where we live. Yeah!

I've been unable to take pictures of what I'm working on because I don't have a camera here so I thought I'd share a pattern I've found online. Aren't these the cutest thing you've ever seen!

Click on the picture to be taken to the free pattern and tutorial.

So you may be wondering how I'm blogging from my hospital bed, well, my Darling Hubby, went and bought me a pre-paid wireless broadband thingy, so I just plug it into my laptop and I feel like I'm a bit normal again. At least I can check my emails (I had over 660 when I finally got back to my computer hehe).

So thats all for today, but thanks so much to everyone who left messages and sent emails, it really lifts my spirits on the hard days!

Hugs Love P

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Off to Hospital I go

Hi all,

I'll be a bit quiet for a while as today Jack and I are heading off. We are starting out at a sleep school for Jack, we just had our last nights sleep together :( Then we are heading up to Sydney for my knee recon. (we will be squeezing in a visit to the Thimblelady's shop before hospital, Yeahhh.)

I'll see you all soon!

Happy Stitching!
Paula x