
Saturday, August 1, 2009

Star Chrismas decoration / Ornament mini Tutorial

I had some fun yesterday whipping up this cute little star decoration. I think next time I'll use 2 threads of DMC though, the embroidery is a bit too hard to see.

I forgot to take a picture of the back, it is also a red star, but I left it blank except for the running stitch around the outside. I'm going to embroider the year, or my name, or I'm thinking about using it for an advent swap, so I might put some details of that on it. As you can see, I'm still very undecided.

This is how I made it:

I drew a star on template plastic and cut out my template. I used this to cut out two red felt stars and I just eyeballed cutting out a white star 1/4" bigger, but you could use a second template or even a cookie cutter, your choice.

I embroidered a lazy daisy flower with a swirly stem, two lazy daisy leaves and some french knots in each point of the star.

I attatched seed beads in a rough star pattern in the middle of my star using sewing thread, It is much stronger than embroidery thread!

I took my blank red star (if you want to add a date or name it is easier to do that now) and attatched it using running stitch to the white star. Make sure it is centred! Before stitching down the top point, add a loop of ribbon to hang your star. I added a few quick stitches with my red sewing thread that I still had threaded from the sead beads, before the running stitch went through both the ribbon and white star.

Next I took the embroidered red star and attatched it in the same way, using a running stitch but make sure your needle only goes through the top red star and the white star! You don't want a double row of running stitch to come through onto the back.

And thats it! Easy peasey!

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