Jutta from Germany made these awesome Tea Cup Carriers. I just love the way she changed the second one. That African fabric is just stunning! Don't you love it!

Don't forget a new design will be available for you on the Among the gum trees blog on Monday. Have you made the first 2 yet? Judith and Joy did such a great job on their designs didn't they!
Anyway I must go, the girls have to go to dancing lessons and I have missed so many of their classes that I really want to go with them today, so remember if you have made any of my designs I'd love for you to put them up on my Flickr site, or just email them through to me and I will do it for you. paula.storm@gmail.com
And my view in Sydney :) Not bad huh! If you've got to be in hospital, it's not a bad view to have :)...
Anyway onto the really important business, I must apologise for Part 2 of my BOM Life's a Hoot being a week late, but as you can imagine it is a challenge to update a blog when you computer is at the Drs and so are you :)
Without further ado, here is part 2 and I promise part 3 will be on time next month!
Have you started yet? I'd love to know. Oh and I hope you remembered the 1st christmas giveaway on the Among the gumtrees blog. Judiths Christmas gift bag is just gorgeous!
I'm sorry the BOM file is enormous, I've had no end of trouble trying to fix it, so maybe a long sleep and fresh eyes will find the problem, but I wanted to get this 2nd part up tonight.
*Update* I have finally got the PDF's working. I have been working on it since 9am and it is now 4pm. (I'm glad I didn't stay up last night to fix it) A whole day gone and not 1 stitch! Such a pain. Oh well I hope you like part 2. My pictures aren't the best but anyway. (Can you tell I'm a bit over part 2 :) Oh well thats life. Let me know if you are still having problems and a big thanks to the girls who let me know about the problems!
Hugs Paula xxx